Our New Marian Shrine Initiative has a founding Executive Director
Rossanna A. Ryan
After an extensive national search, the Richard and Maude Foundation has selected Rossanna Aranibar Ryan to serve as the founding Executive Director of our forthcoming faith-based endeavor in Western Washington.
Rossanna is a multicultural business leader with two decades of executive roles in the technology industry including Sony and Microsoft. Stirred by the growing startup community in Washington, she moved from Silicon Valley to Bellevue.
Her spiritual journey finds its genesis in her hometown in Peru where she grew up in a Catholic family deeply entrenched in veneration of Patron Saints St Martin of Porres and St Rose of Lima. With tendrils stretching across Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Peruvian heritage, Rossanna’s communion with Our Blessed Mother started in the dawning years of her youth. Her grandmother was an active member of the Legion of Mary, and her mother, swayed by visions of Our Lady of Sorrows, transcended from Protestantism to embrace Catholicism.
“I am humbled and grateful for this opportunity to build on the Ferry family’s strong belief in the power of Mary’s mantle and her love for Washington. Building a Marian sacred place that welcomes people from all walks of life into an encounter with God is not only the right thing to do as disciples of Christ, but it’s also urgent. Again and again, and especially inspired by my pilgrimage’s holy sites, Mary has shown me that no matter how far you are from your faith, she will always be there for you. It is time for the Pacific Northwest to experience the transformative power of our Blessed Mother.” – Rossanna Ryan
“In the years that Rossanna has been a parishioner at St. Joseph, she has put to use a variety of her God-given abilities, including serving as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist and as a bilingual Advocate for the Seattle Metropolitan Tribunal. Additionally, she’s served in the Circle for Ukraine, Project Rachel, Legion of Mary, and as a member of a parish choir. Rossanna is a compassionate woman of faith, balanced in her prayerfulness and action. I believe that her response to this important endeavor is the fruit of her devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary.” – Fr Todd Strange / St Joseph Issaquah
Quentin Orem, ED of the Ferry Foundations and search committee chair, says, “Selecting the founding Executive Director is the most important decision the Foundation will make in this initiative. We were humbled by the level of interest in this role, and our hiring committee of Catholic leaders was enthusiastic and unified in selecting Rossanna. We believe God has been preparing her to lead this endeavor for such a time as this.”
As Rossanna begins the concept phase of the project, listening to the Catholic community will play a pivotal role in bringing this vision to fruition. If you would like to help our Blessed Mother reach as many hearts as possible, don’t hesitate to contact our Executive Director at rossanna.ryan@ferryfound.org.
The Ferry Foundations